How to Complete the IGNOU MPA Project Work?

IGNOU MPA Project Work Instructions (MPAP 2)

This compilation of recommendations offers crucial guidance for the preparation and execution of IGNOU MPA Project activities for MA Public Administration students (MPAP 2). This will serve as an indispensable reference throughout your visit here. This rule must be adhered to whilst preparing an IGNOU MPA Project work (MPAP 2).

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Completing an IGNOU MPA Project work (MPAP 2) is a need for earning an IGNOU MA in Public Administration. Public Administration scholars and lecturers use a standardized framework to summarize their research on this topic, focusing on particular aspects. The subsequent two primary explanations are:

  • Facilitation of communication

A study presented in a standardized format facilitates the retrieval of necessary information.

  • The framework delineates the facts essential for scientific communication.

This information must be comprehensive. Many professions today demand technical report writing skills, including the ability to communicate clearly and effectively, summarize and present information, and formulate hypotheses, and reach logical conclusions. Completing an IGNOU MPA Project assignment (MPAP 2) imparts a valuable and transferable talent.

This page will illustrate the correct arrangement and styling of an IGNOU MPA Project assignment (MPAP 2). Generating reports from journal papers will help you better understand the content by familiarizing you with their standard structure. Examine the formats employed and the rationale behind their selection while reviewing a journal article. Since not every article is impeccable, if you encounter one that is unclear, contemplate the reasons behind it. The authors may not be as explicit as possible; if so, how might the section be enhanced?

The Significance of IGNOU MPA Project Work (MPAP 2)

The objective of an IGNOU MPA study assignment (MPAP 2) is to convey the essential elements of a research study to others.

  • What motivated you to undertake it?
  • What methods did you employ to achieve this?
  • What did you ascertain, and
  • How do you understand this?

Readers of reports may occasionally request highly specific information, such as the identities of the participants and the mean scores for the two groups. They lack interest in examining the complete IGNOU MPA Project effort (MPAP 2) to ascertain this. It’s important to organize information with clear headings for easy reading and quick location.

Structure of IGNOU MPA Project Work (MPAP 2)

When composing an IGNOU MPA project, writers must focus on the reader’s perspective. Journal articles target readers with a general understanding of the topic but little familiarity with the specific study. Readers typically begin by examining the title, followed by the abstract, and finally the report’s body if their interest deepens. The following paragraphs follow a structure commonly used in most published works. If you are uncertain about the appropriate format or style, refer to publications by the American Psychological Association (APA) or the British Psychological Society, such as The British Journal of Psychology.

The structure and required information may vary depending on the study’s topic, but most research should align closely with this framework. Writers must also use clear headings and sub-sections, especially within the methodology section, to avoid significant deductions in marks. The numbers provided under each heading serve only to categorize comments and should not appear in the report.

The Title of the Study

The title must encapsulate the inquiry in a single line, typically indicating the independent and dependent variables. Suitable examples include The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Gerbil Exploratory Behavior and Exploratory Behavior in Sleep-Deprived Gerbils. Such a title should not attempt to evoke reactions from gerbils. Avoid using journalistic-style headlines (e.g., “Gerbil Insomnia”), as formal reports are not intended to resemble news articles. Readers first look at the title to assess its relevance to their research objectives.

Ensure that your IGNOU MPA Dissertation title provides a concise and precise reflection of the report’s content. Avoid starting it with phrases like “a study into…” or “an experiment to find…,” as these are redundant, uninformative, and indicate weak reasoning. Additionally, do not begin the title with the word “Title,” since its placement will already signal its purpose.

Abstract of the Study

The abstract encapsulates the entirety of the IGNOU MPA Dissertation in a singular paragraph. A succinct overview of the objective and methodology, together with segments on the results and discourse, should be incorporated. In this section, exclude intricate details such as numerical data and names of statistical tests. Target an abstract length of 100 to 120 words. The abstract is the second element a reader encounters after the title and might be their only exposure to the content (refer to the psychological abstracts in the library).

Consequently, it must to furnish a comprehensive yet concise overview of the complete report, enabling readers to determine whether to proceed with their reading. A good rule of thumb is to write four concise lines that describe (1) why you did it, (2) what you did, (3) what you discovered, and (4) what you concluded. Upon completion of the remaining sections of the report, compose the abstract. You can encounter challenges in composing a succinct abstract in one attempt. It may be more expedient to commence with an extended version and gradually condense it.

Introduction of the Study

Commence by elucidating the rationale for the study under consideration. This implies that by reading the introduction, the reader should be able to infer the subject matter of your IGNOU MPA Project Report. Your introduction should elucidate the rationale behind your research for a non-expert audience. The introduction will commence with a general framework before exploring the specific reasons and objectives of the study. An overview of prior work in the topic will often be given, along with an elucidation of the theoretical or practical motives for undertaking the research. An exemplary sequence for introductory content is as follows:

  • Describe and identify the subject you want to investigate, and, if necessary, explain why it is fascinating and/or important.
  • Describe previous work (including your own) that is relevant to the issue you’re researching.

Elucidate the reasons for the inadequacy of your previous efforts.

The study may possess methodological deficiencies, present opportunities for the enhancement of previous research, represent the inaugural replication, or involve a comparative analysis of the adequacy of many hypotheses. If the prior work is comprehensive, devoid of errors, and has been replicated multiple times, or if the optimal hypothesis is established, further investigation is superfluous. Rationales for the inadequacy of previous work should inherently culminate in the research you undertook. It is unnecessary to elaborate extensively, but it should be clear how the latest work addresses outstanding theoretical issues, rectifies flaws in previous research, and enhances our current comprehension.

What do you anticipate the results of your study will be, and what is the rationale for your expectation? Elucidate your study hypothesis by articulating your predictions based on your theoretical framework and the constraints identified in previous investigations. If you are undertaking further exploratory research and are uncertain about the conclusions, delineate the study’s objectives and anticipated outcomes. The final paragraph in the introduction is essential for understanding the study and report. If this area is clearly delineated, it will facilitate the discussion and evaluation of the results significantly. Ensure that your hypotheses are relevant to the essay’s primary body. It is unnecessary to list or bullet your hypotheses.

Research Methodology of the Study

The technique part includes about five subsections, integrated rather than presented as a separate segment. The strategy section defines the key components of your data collection methodology. This part of the MPA project must provide enough information for readers to replicate the experiment without unnecessary detail. For example, when analyzing how word types affect the ability to remember word lists, you must describe the characteristics of the words. However, unless the study focuses specifically on how seating configurations influence memory, you can omit detailed descriptions of participants’ seating arrangements.

The essential and extraneous components will vary depending on the research question. If you are unsure, review a journal article on your topic to determine what information should be included. Use only one subheading from the list below to organize the entire technique section. If the content is brief, you may exclude sections on equipment and materials; however, you must still include additional subsections where necessary.

Findings of the Study

Begin by outlining the data processing procedures you implemented. Clearly explain the methodology you used to derive your scores by consolidating the participants’ responses. If participants answered 40 questions and you aimed to determine the overall percentage of accurate responses rather than evaluating performance on individual questions, make this intention explicit. Provide a rationale for removing specific data by presenting the ‘exclusion criterion.’

After describing the data treatment, summarize the data using descriptive statistics. In a simple experiment, report the means and standard deviations for each condition in the following paragraph. For studies involving many dependent measures or three or more conditions, present the descriptive statistics in a table. In complex cases, a graph often conveys trends or interactions between variables more effectively than a table or text.

Assign a distinct number and caption to every table and figure, explaining the variables, conditions, and units of measurement. Ensure the axes are labeled accurately. Additionally, refer to each graph or table within the body of the IGNOU MPA Project Work, so readers understand where and when to look at them.


In some cases, reporting means and standard deviations may not be the most suitable option; other descriptive statistics might offer better insights. Use percentages for analyzing count or frequency data. Employ correlation coefficients to examine relationships, and include effect size metrics where relevant. These metrics can accompany descriptive statistics or appear with statistical analyses.

Avoid directly inserting statistical software outputs into your report. Carefully assess the relevance and necessity of each piece of information, and communicate your findings concisely to avoid redundancy. Use consistent descriptive names for the conditions in the results section, matching those from the methods section to maintain clarity for your readers. Pair descriptive statistics with inferential statistics, which allow you to draw conclusions from the data. Make sure it is clear who conducted the tests and which data were used must be shown alongside a test statistic (e.g., the t-value) for most statistical tests (e.g., a t-test). Supplementary information is often required (e.g., the degrees of freedom). You must resolve it independently.

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