How should I write the IGNOU PGDDM Project MPAP 1?

IGNOU PGDDM Project – If you need information regarding the IGNOU PGDDM Project, you have arrived at the appropriate website. Students seeking to download their next IGNOU PGDDM Project can accomplish this by visiting the site and obtaining the IGNOU MPAP 1 Project Sample PDF. Acquiring the IGNOU MPAP 1 Project Sample Pdf and familiarizing oneself with the IGNOU PGDDM Project work structure will enable students to save time and effort. Primarily, use this page to download the IGNOU MPAP 1 Project Sample PDF, which can aid you in effectively preparing for your IGNOU PGDDM Project Work.

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Preparation of IGNOU PGDDM Project Work

At the Postgraduate Diploma level, students must develop the competencies, abilities, and expertise essential for teaching, conducting research, and engaging in professional practice. MPAP-001, a dissertation project on disaster management, aims to partially meet this requirement. This PGDDM initiative empowers and motivates you to:

  • Perform an autonomous and comprehensive investigation on a subject of your selection; and
  • Generate a systematic and documented research project.

The PGDDM project comprises four course credits. The dissertation will require roughly one year and around 120 study hours. The dissertation process commences with the selection of a topic and culminates in the submission of a research paper of approximately 12,000 words (excluding bibliographic references) that evidences the fulfillment of designated requirements. The following are the responsibilities:

  • Selecting a study topic
  • Analyzing relevant literature
  • Guidelines for Composing a Dissertation Proposal
  • Data acquisition and assessment
  • Examining and elucidating data in accordance with the study’s principal aims


These tasks closely resemble those involved in PhD research. However, the resources and time available at the Postgraduate Diploma level are limited. This dissertation is unlikely to make a major original contribution to the research field. Demonstrating research capabilities will suffice, even if a well-structured and well-executed dissertation produces meaningful and publishable results. The University encourages you to complete your dissertation independently, under the supervision of an academic supervisor approved by the university.

All Academic Counsellors of the MPA-001 to MPA-007 courses at the Study Centres, along with the Public Administration Faculty at the University headquarters, oversee dissertation mentoring. You can also seek guidance from any university or college professor with expertise in public administration or disaster management. If you wish to select an academic supervisor from another university or college, send a brief biography of the individual, along with the dissertation proposal, to the Programme Coordinators in New Delhi for approval.

How to compose a proposal/synopsis for IGNOU PGDDM Project (MPAP 1)?

You may present a proposal or synopsis to your supervisor. The subsequent procedures can aid you in drafting your IGNOU PGDDM Synopsis.

Project Title

The project title must clearly convey the purpose and scope of the endeavor. It must be concise and exact. It is advisable that the topic pertains to your professional domain.


The introduction should delineate the topic, the study’s extensive extent, the importance of the issue, and provide essential terminology.

Verification of the title

The problem statement must encompass a concise analysis and delineation of the topic’s importance. This serves as the foundation for conducting the investigation. The current literature is assessed, and knowledge gaps are discovered to substantiate the selection of the study’s topic.


The project’s objectives must clearly state why you are undertaking this endeavor. Typically, a topic includes three to four objectives. These objectives direct and focus your efforts. Consider the following hypothetical scenario: You plan to investigate the phenomenon of female child dropout in a rural area. You will analyze the factors that contribute to the high dropout rate among individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds. These objectives will define the scope of your investigation.


According to the project, the hypothesis explains the situation in the most likely way. However, not all inquiries require hypothesis testing, although most experiments do. You and your supervisor can decide the type of research you want to pursue. If you expect a sample size of around 100 respondents, you may choose to exclude hypotheses from your analysis.

Research Methodology

Before starting fieldwork for your PGDDM project, you must define the study’s universe. The term “universe” refers to the complete population or scope examined in the study. The universe will vary depending on the geographical area and study unit. For instance, if you plan to analyze household characteristics in a village, the universe will include all households. From this universe, you will randomly select a subset.

Sampling Methodologies

If your research relies on fieldwork, you must select a random sample from the population. A sample represents a subset of the population. You can conduct sampling randomly or through clusters. To understand different sampling methods better, review any standard statistics textbook you used during your preparation for the Research Methods in Disaster Management course.

Instruments for Data Collection

It is essential to specify the instruments that will be employed to collect data from many sources. Owing to the inherent complexity and diversity of social reality, it may be necessary to employ various approaches for a certain research.

Data Analysis

Upon examining and coding the raw data, statistical methods may be employed to do data analysis. A summary of the strategies you want to utilize in your proposal is essential.


The tables will present relevant statistical data, including percentages, means, medians, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients.

I will systematically number the tables (e.g., Chapter I will include Tables 1.1, 1.2, etc.; Chapter II will contain Tables 2.1, 2.2, etc.). After the table number, I will provide a concise title that accurately summarizes the table’s contents. If the table is taken from another source, I will cite the source directly beneath it. I will also use three paragraphs to explain each table: first, I summarize the parameter or issue; next, I interpret the data; and finally, I highlight significant findings and key insights.

Structure of Chapters

The chapter structure will function as a framework for the report’s organization. This activity will facilitate the efficient and orderly completion of your dissertation.

How to compose the IGNOU PGDDM Project Report (MPAP 1)?

The IGNOU PGDDM Project is organized as follows:

  • The IGNOU PGDDM Project must have around 20,000 words, inclusive of the title page, acknowledgements, and bibliographic references. Although essential statistical and documentary appendices, including questionnaires, surveys, interview schedules, and other data gathering instruments, may be used, their inclusion should be minimized.
  • Dissertations must be typed or digitally processed on A4-sized paper.
  • All content in the dissertation’s main body, excluding bibliographic references, must be formatted with 1.5 line spacing, printed on one side of the paper, and have one-inch margins.
  • Pages should be numbered in ascending order at the bottom center.
  • Bind the completed dissertation and the approved dissertation proposal between light plastic sheets using a spiral binding.

The dissertation’s contents must be structured as follows:

  • The student must include the title, their name and enrollment number, the academic supervisor’s name, the degree program, the university’s name, and the month and year of submission on the dissertation cover page.
  • The title page must present the same information as the cover page, along with the statement: “I submit this dissertation in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Political Science degree offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University,” followed by the submission date (month and year).
  • The academic supervisor must provide a note affirming that the dissertation is the candidate’s original work and approve it for submission to the examiner.
  • The Table of Contents must list the dissertation’s chapters, relevant sections, and their respective page numbers. It should also include page numbers for bibliographic references and any figures, tables, or maps.
  • In the Acknowledgements section, the student may express gratitude for any support received during the preparation of the dissertation.
  • The main content must be divided into chapters (usually three or four, including an Introduction and Conclusion), bibliographic citations, and, if necessary, appendices. Each chapter, bibliography, and appendix must begin on a new page, but sections within main headings may continue on the same page. The student must ensure the main body of the dissertation follows a sequential numbering system. The bibliography must provide a comprehensive list of all books cited in the chapters and other key sources consulted during the research.
  • Once the student completes the dissertation, the Faculty Committee must approve the Dissertation Proposal.

Guidelines for Improving Your IGNOU PGDDM Project Work

At this point, you should have a clearer understanding of the expected format for an IGNOU PGDDM project. In summary, the following recommendations will help improve the effectiveness of your project:

  • Articulate the dissertation clearly and concisely, using accessible language and straightforward sentences. Write in a formal tone, avoiding colloquialisms, slang, and personal pronouns such as I, we, you, my, our, and us. Instead, refer to yourself as “the researcher” or “the investigator.” Avoid abbreviations, except for widely recognized ones like M.A. and IQ.
  • Write out numbers under three digits, round numbers, and those that begin a sentence, unless statistical norms require numerals. Also, spell out fractions. Use numerals for decimals and percentages but write out the word “percent,” as in 25 percent.
  • Incorporate graphics and tables to clarify complex ideas, but only when they directly relate to your dissertation and enhance the reader’s understanding. Use these visual elements purposefully and never as a replacement for text. When including images or tables created by others, properly credit the source just as you would with any other quotation.

Also remember

  • Writing usually takes more time than most people expect. Therefore, avoid waiting until the last few weeks before the submission date to start; instead, begin the process as early as possible.
  • You don’t have to start with the first chapter. In fact, you can begin writing anywhere within the chapter, except from the very first word. Focus on presenting the strongest evidence and the clearest ideas first.
  • Create an outline of your dissertation’s content chapter by chapter. This approach helps you organize and plan your writing process effectively. It also lets you estimate the length of each chapter, identify sections that need more development, and place content in the appropriate sections.

Segment extensive content into sections using headers and subheadings. An increase in cues provided to the reader facilitates easier navigation and comprehension of the dissertation

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